Loading dye is mixed with DNA samples at a ratio of 1:5 for use in agarose gel electrophoresis. It contains a compound to render your samples denser than the running buffer, so that the samples sink in the well when loading; and a dye that migrates during electrophoresis at a similar rate to DNA, allowing assessment of the extent of DNA migration.
Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6x)
For loading and tracking DNA samples during gel electrophoresis
£8.95 – £32.95 ex VAT

Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6x)
For loading and tracking DNA samples during gel electrophoresis
£8.95 – £32.95 ex VAT
Load DNA samples and track their migration during gel electrophoresis using Gel Loading Dye. Provided as a 6x Loading Dye, a 1 mL tube provides enough for between 200 samples of 25 μL and 1000 samples of 5 μL.
Not required if you are using a Ready to Load mix, like 5x FIREPol® Master Mix or
5x HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix.
- Easy loading and tracking of DNA samples, such as PCR products or genomic DNA extracts, during electrophoresis
- Store at room temperature
- Comigrates with ~300 bp (1x TBE) or ~400 bp (1x TAE) fragments
Gel electrophoresis
Recommended Usage
Mix 1 volume of Gel Loading Dye with 5 volumes of your DNA sample and load into the gel. The loading dye can be mixed directly with DNA samples (5 μL with a 25 μL PCR reaction) or mixed with an aliquot of the DNA (1 μL with 5 μL PCR reaction) before loading onto a gel.
6x Gel Loading Dye (Bromphenol blue, Tris-HCl, EDTA and Ficoll)
Storage & Stability
Store at room temperature or at 4ºC. Long-term storage at –20ºC.
Shipping conditions
Room temperature.