Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6x)

For loading and tracking DNA samples during gel electrophoresis

£8.95£35.95 ex VAT

Gel Loading Dye, Blue (6x)

For loading and tracking DNA samples during gel electrophoresis

£8.95£35.95 ex VAT

Load DNA samples and track their migration during gel electrophoresis using Gel Loading Dye. Provided as a 6x Loading Dye, a 1 mL tube provides enough for between 200 samples of 25 μL and 1000 samples of 5 μL.


Not required if you are using a Ready to Load mix, like 5x FIREPol® Master Mix or
5x HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix.

powered by Solis BioDyne



Loading dye is mixed with DNA samples at a ratio of 1:5 for use in agarose gel electrophoresis. It contains a compound to render your samples denser than the running buffer, so that the samples sink in the well when loading; and a dye that migrates during electrophoresis at a similar rate to DNA, allowing assessment of the extent of DNA migration.


  1. Easy loading and tracking of DNA samples, such as PCR products or genomic DNA extracts, during electrophoresis
  2. Store at room temperature
  3. Comigrates with ~300 bp (1x TBE) or ~400 bp (1x TAE) fragments


Gel electrophoresis


Recommended Usage 

Mix 1 volume of Gel Loading Dye with 5 volumes of your DNA sample and load into the gel. The loading dye can be mixed directly with DNA samples (5 μL with a 25 μL PCR reaction) or mixed with an aliquot of the DNA (1 μL with 5 μL PCR reaction) before loading onto a gel.


6x Gel Loading Dye (Bromphenol blue, Tris-HCl, EDTA and Ficoll)

Storage & Stability

Store at room temperature or at 4ºC. Long-term storage at –20ºC.

Shipping conditions

Room temperature.

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