Bird Sexing Primer Mixes, 200 rxn

Ready-To-Use Primer Mixes for Bird Sexing

£14.99 ex VAT

Bird Sexing Primer Mixes, 200 rxn

Ready-To-Use Primer Mixes for Bird Sexing

£14.99 ex VAT

For use with the Bird Sexing PCR Protocol.


Determine the sex of birds with these four different primer sets and DNA extracted from plucked feathers. The Ready-To-Use primer mix format is pre-prepared for easy use – just add the DNA template and master mix. Provided as a 10x concentrated stock solution, the 400 µL tube is suitable for up to 200 rxn.



Primers are short DNA sequences which are used to define the region amplified during PCR. The Ready-To-Use primer mixes contain all the primers for a specific project, premixed and diluted to an easy-to-use concentration.


  • Ready-To-Use: Skip rehydrating your primers, and just add DNA template and Master Mix.
  • Convenient: Save on time and pipette tips with a premixed solution
  • Easy: No need for dilution calculations with a 10X concentration – add 2uL to a 20µL reaction.


For use with the Bird Sexing Protocol.

Determine the sex of birds with these four different primer sets and DNA extracted from plucked feathers. This protocol allows you to test for the sex of a bird by amplifying a region of the CHD1-Z and CHD1-W genes on the Z and W sex chromosomes, using the feather calamus (the base of the feather) of plucked feathers as a DNA source.

Which primer set do I need?

You can decide which primer set is most suitable based on what species you want to sex, or try multiple primer sets to see which work best with a species. Each primer set works for a range of species listed below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and should be taken as a guide only.

For any species, we suggest that users try one or more of the following steps to help select the most appropriate primers for sexing:

  • Consult the relevant literature to determine what primers have been shown to work well with particular species in the past. In some cases additional primer sets beyond the three covered here may be needed. For example, anyone interested in sexing parrots should read our blog post on a new strategy for sexing different parrot species here, and Table 1 of Kroczak et al., 2021 for information on which primers produce reliable results for which species.
  • Validate the assay with known male and female birds of that species to ensure a reliable result.
  • Test primers on a large enough sample size of a species to be sure to detect both male and female birds within that set. If the results indicate the presence of both male and female samples then the primers used are probably appropriate.
  • Test all four primer mixes on a species to achieve a consensus result that can then be used to identify the most appropriate primer sex for that species. In rare cases none of the primer sets we supply may be appropriate, and additional species-specific primer sets may be required.

If you have any questions about which primers can be used with which bird species, please get in touch!

SpeciesScientific OrderPrimer Set 1 (CHD1F/CHD1R)Primer Set 2 (2550F/2718R)Primer Set 3 (P0/P2/P8)Primer Set 4 (CHD1LF/CHD1LR)
Landfowl, domestic chicken Galliformes 
Birds of prey, hawks, eagles, vulturesAccipitriformes 
WaterfowlAnseriformes  ✓
Stork, kestrelCiconiiformes  
PigeonsColumbiformes  ✓ (preferred)
Parrots (some species — see here)Psittaciformes  ✓

Interested in a different species?

If you are looking to sex a species or group not listed above, please contact us.


Recommended Usage

Add between 2 μL of primer mix per 20 µL PCR reaction. Add DNA template and PCR master mix as per the protocol, and top the reaction up with PCR grade water to a final volume of 20 µL.


Primer Mix (10x stock solution)

Storage & Stability

Unopened primers should be stable at room temperature for several months. Opened primers can be refrigerated at 4 °C between uses, but should be frozen at -20 °C to extend shelf life.

Shipping conditions

Shipped at room temperature.

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