This bundle includes all the labware and consumables you need to follow the Bird Sexing Workflow, including the DNA Extraction from Feathers and Bird Sexing PCR protocols.
There is a choice of primer mix depending on the species of bird you are trying to sex. More details can be found on the product page for Bird Sexing Primer Mixes.
Note: The bundle does not include Bento Lab. To use this bundle, you will need access to an entry Bento Lab or similar equipment (i.e. a mini-centrifuge, a PCR thermocycler, a gel electrophoresis unit and a blue-light transilluminator).
You will also need a heat source to melt agarose for gel electrophoresis (e.g. a microwave, rice cooker or hot plate), and 1 L of distilled or deionised water to make up 0.5x TBE buffer from the 10X TBE buffer provided. Sterile distilled or deionised water can also be used for diluting DNA extractions prior to PCR. The protocols and reagent quantities are optimised for Bento Lab, but may be adapted.
Bundle content
- HotSHOT DNA Extraction Kit (400 reactions)
- 5X HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix Ready to Load (400 μl; 100 reactions)
- PCR grade water (2 ml; 200 reactions)
- Bird Sexing Primer Mix – Primer Set 1 (CHD1F/CHD1R) (200 reactions)
- Bird Sexing Primer Mix – Primer Set 2 (2550F/2718R) (200 reactions)
- Bird Sexing Primer Mix – Primer Set 3 (P0/P2/P8) (200 reactions)
- Agarose tablets (20 tablets; 10× 2%-3% agarose gels)
- GelGreen® DNA Stain (100 μl)
- 10X TBE buffer (50 ml)
- 100 bp DNA Ladder (200 μl)
- 0.2 ml PCR tubes (200 tubes)
- 1.5 ml microcentrifuge tubes (100 tubes)
- 2-200 μl pipette tips (3 boxes)
- Nitrile gloves (20)
- Scalpels (10)
Accessory Equipment
- 2-20 μl adjustable pipette
- 20-200 μl adjustable pipette
- 200 mL sharps bin
- 250 mL beaker
How many reactions can I do?
The bundle contains all of the starting materials that you will need to analyse bird DNA from feather samples.
You can analyse up to 48 samples with the materials included. Many of the reagents are included in excess, so you can restock key reagents to process more samples. The accessory equipment can be used for future work.
If you want to calculate the quantities and costs of reagents and consumables needed to sex larger numbers of birds, you can try our spreadsheet calculator here. If you have any questions or feedback about the spreadsheet, please get in touch.