Bird Sexing Bundlebeta

Everything you need to get started with bird sexing


Bird Sexing Bundlebeta

Everything you need to get started with bird sexing


Start processing samples with the bird sexing workflow. This bundle contains all the reagents, plastic consumables and accessories you need for the protocols DNA Extraction for Feathers and Bird Sexing PCR protocols. In addition to reusable materials, this kit contains enough reagents to process a minimum of 48 bird samples.


Note: the bundle does not include the device Bento Lab .



This bundle includes all the labware and consumables you need to follow the Bird Sexing Workflow, including the DNA Extraction from Feathers and Bird Sexing PCR protocols.

There is a choice of primer mix depending on the species of bird you are trying to sex. More details can be found on the product page for Bird Sexing Primer Mixes.

Note: The bundle does not include Bento Lab. To use this bundle, you will need access to an entry Bento Lab or similar equipment (i.e. a mini-centrifuge, a PCR thermocycler, a gel electrophoresis unit and a blue-light transilluminator).

You will also need a heat source to melt agarose for gel electrophoresis (e.g. a microwave, rice cooker or hot plate), and 1 L of distilled or deionised water to make up 0.5x TBE buffer from the 10X TBE buffer provided. Sterile distilled or deionised water can also be used for diluting DNA extractions prior to PCR. The protocols and reagent quantities are optimised for Bento Lab, but may be adapted.

Bundle content



Accessory Equipment

How many reactions can I do?

The bundle contains all of the starting materials that you will need to analyse bird DNA from feather samples.

You can analyse up to 48 samples with the materials included. Many of the reagents are included in excess, so you can restock key reagents to process more samples. The accessory equipment can be used for future work.

If you want to calculate the quantities and costs of reagents and consumables needed to sex larger numbers of birds, you can try our spreadsheet calculator here (Google account required). If you have any questions or feedback about the spreadsheet, please get in touch.

YouTube video


  • Simple: Straightforward protocols to follow for DNA extraction, PCR and gel visualisation of results.
  • Scalable for low or high throughput: Suitable for a few samples or up to 30 samples per run. 
  • Rapid: Extraction of DNA in 30 minutes; PCR amplication and visualisation of DNA within 4 hours.
  • Affordable: Per reaction cost starting at £4 per sample; cost reduces with more samples.


This bundle contains all of the reagents, consumables and accessory materials for the Bird Sexing Workflow when used with equipment, such as Bento Lab.

Following this workflow, you can extract bird DNA from feathers and sex the bird using the molecular techniques of PCR and gel electrophoresis.

What primer set do I need?

You can decide which primer set is most suitable based on what species you want to sex, or try multiple primer sets to see which work best with a species. Each primer set works for a range of species listed below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and should be taken as a guide only.

For any species, we suggest that users try one or more of the following steps to help select the most appropriate primers for sexing:

  • Consult the relevant literature to determine what primers have been shown to work well with particular species in the past. In some cases additional primer sets beyond the three covered here may be needed. For example, anyone interested in sexing parrots should read our blog post on a new strategy for sexing different parrot species here, and Table 1 of Kroczak et al., 2021 for information on which primers produce reliable results for which species.
  • Validate the assay with known male and female birds of that species to ensure a reliable result.
  • Test primers on a large enough sample size of a species to be sure to detect both male and female birds within that set. If the results indicate the presence of both male and female samples then the primers used are probably appropriate.
  • Test all four primer mixes on a species to achieve a consensus result that can then be used to identify the most appropriate primer sex for that species. In rare cases none of the primer sets we supply may be appropriate, and additional species-specific primer sets may be required.

If you have any questions about which primers can be used with which bird species, please get in touch

SpeciesScientific OrderPrimer Set 1 (CHD1F/CHD1R)Primer Set 2 (2550F/2718R)Primer Set 3 (P0/P2/P8)
Landfowl, domestic chicken Galliformes 
Birds of prey, hawks, eagles, vulturesAccipitriformes 
WaterfowlAnseriformes  ✓
Stork, kestrelCiconiiformes  
Parrots (some species — see here)Psittaciformes  ✓


Recommended Usage

This bundle is for use with the DNA Extraction from Feathers and the Bird Sexing PCR protocols.

Storage & Stability

HotSHOT DNA Extraction Kit should be stored sealed and in the original bag at room temperature or 4 ºC. Storage for up to 6 months at room temperature should have minimal detrimental effects provided the containers and bags are properly sealed. Exposure of the Alkaline Lysis Solution to air will gradually decrease the pH and effectiveness of this reagent over time. For longer term storage freeze at –20 ºC.

5X HOT FIREPol® Blend Master Mix, Bird Sexing Primer Mixes and 100 bp DNA Ladder should be stored in the freezer at –20 ºC and defrosted at 4 ºC before use.

All other components of the bundle can be permanently stored at room temperature.

Shipping conditions

Shipped at room temperature.